Alphabet Books: The Game

In order to showcase the books that I own, I have created a little segment whereupon I will go through each book one letter of the alphabe...

In order to showcase the books that I own, I have created a little segment whereupon I will go through each book one letter of the alphabet at a time.
The Game by Terry Schott

The Game...

A virtual reality simulation played by over a billion children around the world. The best players are celebrities, adored and worshiped by countless fans. Zack is a superstar among players. His final play may change the world, forever...

This book may have been a YA novel on the surface, but it had a hell of a lot more layers than that. At it's core this book was about life. Schott toyed with the idea that life is just a game; the characters were from another planet playing "Life" the virtual reality game. But is this idea far off from the real thing. In life, we make decisions; some of them right some of them wrong, we do good, we do badly and in actual fact we don't even know what we are really doing. This book followed a really great plot line as well as being extremely thought provoking.


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