Wishlist Wednesday: The Hero of Ages

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson This is the final book in the Mistborn Trilogy, and I won't go into the synopsis to save from ...

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

This is the final book in the Mistborn Trilogy, and I won't go into the synopsis to save from spoiling the other books for anyone who hasn't read it.

The Mistborn Trilogy is a high fantasy series with a twist; it's a multi-faceted book of amazingness with a kick-ass magic system that is completely to die for. Brandon Sanderson is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors and with good reason; his writing is stunning, witty, and very vivid in its descriptions.

I actually do own a copy of this book at home but was unable to bring it with me travelling and I am absolutely desperate to finish this series. I've been toying with buying a kindle copy, but knowing I've got a physical copy at home is really making me question my decisions.

Hosted by Pen to Paper

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  1. I hate waiting to get my hands on something I really want to read! Having it at home and not able to get to it must be really frustrating! I don't usually have that problem...I have about 200 that I really want to read so at least one will be on my ereader ready to go!

    1. Oh I have plenty on my kindle to keep me going for a long time but sometimes you just want a book that you can't have. If I was at home I'd have plenty of physical and kindle books that I would want to read equally. But this is one of the best series I've read and I'm just gutted that my copy of the last...the LAST book, is at home! *Sigh*


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